Thursday, August 28, 2008

What to do on an ariline.

I went to hawaii for the summer. Here's some tips you'll need to use for your next long flight trip.

1. Never ask for food.
It means they didn't give you enough, which is kinda insulting.

2. You can ask for water, soda, etc.
Its fine for someone to get thirsty. They'll be glad for you to buy something.

3. Make the most of your trip.
In the 767 I was in, there were personal entertainment systems. I got to watch movies the whole way and play some o.k. games.

4. Always ask for water
Usually, the flight attendants come by every now and then passing out water. Ask for one, because I guarantee you will need some later.

5. Keep your seat up when you're not using it.
Keeping your seat up not only straightens your back, it helps the person behind you. Putting your seat back cuts off 3-6 inches for the person behind you, which is kind of uncomfortable.

6. Don't be rude.
There's only a limited amount of flight attendants, so you'll get a crappy reputation.

Have fun!

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